.... Specialising in reducing accelerated erosion

Riparian Restoration for
Stream Bank Protection

Flowing water can scour and erode stream banks and watercourses causing disturbances to fish habitat and drinking water quality. Water Bioengineering involves the use of vegetation for the engineering and ecological enhancement of riverbanks and shores (Schiechtl and Stern, 1994).

Stabilization includes many techniques that can be employed to control stream bank erosion. Selection of the most appropriate approach requires careful consideration of project objectives, habitat issues, site conditions, and budgetary constraints.

Bank stabilization techniques may be classified as one of three structural types (Watershed Restoration Technical Circular No.9):

1. Rock methods employ large boulder or rip rap to armor the bank or redirect flows. Types include: rock toe keys, groynes, rock revetments, turning rocks and tie backs.

2. Vegetative methods utilize plants or plant cuttings for bank stabilization. Types include: herbaceous ground cover, rooted stock, live cuttings, fascines, brush mattresses and brush layers.

3. Integrated methods incorporate a variety of materials such as rock, timber, soil or plants and may also include fabrics such as jute or coil mesh. Types include: joint planting, vegetated geogrids, vegetated riprap, live cribwalls, tree revetments and large woody debris.

riparian restoration
Kokanee Creek Riparian shade in natural setting
Kokanee Creek Riparian shade in natural setting
British Columbia


Riparian habitat of old growth cottonwood forest, southern Alberta

Riparian habitat of old growth cottonwood forest, southern Alberta

Link to these Riparian Restoration Projects:

Bridge Approach Stabilization using Vegetated Crib Wall Techniques (Inakokalin River)

Waterfront Stabilization using Vegetated Riprap Techniques (Drazdoff property)

Live Fascine and Brush Layer Techniques in Stream Bank Restoration (Baldface Creek)

Stabilization of Stream Channel using Live Gravel Bar Staking Techniques (Bighorn Creek)

Controlling Surface Erosion on Bridge Approach using Erosion Matting and Live Staking (Give Out Creek)

Propagation of Wetland Vegetation (Thrums Shoreline)

Control of Soil Erosion in Re-Constructed Waterway on Alberta Oil-Sands Overburden Dump (Alpha Swale)

Stormwater Outfall Rehabilitation (Outfall 56)

Stormwater Outfall Rehabilitation (Outfall 101) UPDATED

Establishment of Vegetation to Control Surface Erosion and Stabilize Slope Failure on Pipeline Right-of-Way (Beaver Creek)

Shoreline Habitat Enhancement (John's Walk Lakeshore Project) UPDATED

Teck Cominco Riverbank Restoration Project UPDATED

Stormwater Outfall Rehabilitation (Outfall 13)

Removal of Old Wooden Culverts and Bridge in a Domestic Watershed (College Creek)

Community Project: Cottonwood Creek Restoration Project (Cottonwood Creek)

Landslide Restoration in Domestic Watershed, Adjacent to Fish Bearing Stream (Heart Creek Site)

Soil Bioengineering with Live Pole Drain System / Riparian Habitat Restoration (Sheep Creek Site)



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Riparian Restoration Projects