Drainage using Live Pole Drain Systems
pole drain (LPD) systems are commonly used in conjunction
with other soil bioengineering methods and/or conventional
They are constructed using cylindrical bundles of live
cuttings in conjunction with dead materials that are
placed in a shallow excavated trench to drain excess
ground moisture causing slope instability.
Live pole drain systems allow for vegetation establishment, by reducing earth slumping
as a result of improved drainage, thereby increasing
slope stabilization. The plants, through evapo-transpiration
after rooting, also provide increased uptake of ground
dimensions and layout of each LPD system is site specific;
they are located where seepage occurs on a slope, and
are designed to drain excess water into locations such
as road ditches, water bodies and/or French drains.
system using Gynerium sp. |

pole drain/fascines
H. Gray, Robbin B. Sotir 1996)